Thank you Rachel and Miss D. for making what was already a FANTASTIC laundry mat even better for me today! You were both so kind, patient & helpful with me. You were both busy keeping the place neat and tidy and doing someone else's laundry, but you didn't hesitate to stop what you were doing and help me. Keep up the fabulous work girls! You make me wanna come back ☺️

Laundry and Dry Cleaning Pick-Up & Delivery Service in Machesney Park, IL
Laundry Done In Just Three Simple Steps:

Create an Account Online
Creating an account only takes 2 minutes.
Handle all your order details online.

Choose Your Pickup & Delivery Dates
Use the service only as often as you need to. No subscriptions!

Sit Back & Relax
Why do laundry every weekend?
Treat yourself, and do something fun instead.
Laundry Service Pricing
Try our convenient pick up and delivery service today. Perfect for busy families and individuals.
Happy Life Laundromat offers a variety of pickup and delivery laundry services in Machesney Park, IL and the surrounding areas. These pickup and delivery laundry services include wash & fold laundry, and commercial laundry. Our laundromat services the following Machesney Park zip codes: 61011, 61073, 61103, 61115. Our wash and fold laundry service provides top notch service and the online scheduling makes it a snap to schedule residential and commercial orders.
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